Devotion #183

Loving God with all of our minds means we are making new discoveries about Him all the time. We should be investing energy every single day of our lives learning more and more about our Father in Heaven, and filling our minds with His truths.

Devotion #182

Your marriage is a gauge for your love of God. It is the very evidence of your devotion to the Lord. Your spouse should experience the love of God through your every interaction.

Devotion #181

In order for us to love God with all of our heart, we need to treasure Him above all else. We need to value our relationship with God over all our earthly possessions, over all our accomplishments and our accolades, over all our relationships.

Devotion #180

Our God is a jealous God. He wants ALL of our worship—ALL of our heart, ALL of our soul, and ALL of our mind. There’s no room for a divided heart in the word ALL.

Devotion #179

Our flesh has boundaries—we can only love so far and then we’ll quit. If your marriage is struggling, check your relationship with God.

Devotion #178

Nothing exposes the darkness of our hearts quite like being called to love. The reality is we fail at it every single day.

Devotion #177

God wants to bring His love to the world, and He promises to do it through you. When it seems like you should just give up, like you just can’t take another day, hang on to His love.

Devotion #176

God wants us to be people who fervently love God and fervently love other people. Every single thing God teaches us in scripture flows from these two commandments—love Him and love each other. How can we not give them top priority?

Devotion #175

Grace can be a hard thing to understand, and an even harder thing to give. The fact of the matter is that the transforming work of grace is more of a mundane process rather than a few dramatic events.

Devotion #174

If we are to love as God loves, we need to understand His love for us, and use that as a yardstick to ever deepen our love for our spouses.

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